White Plains: 866-340-1943
Queens: 800-733-1943
Manhattan: 877-894-1841
Second Trimester abortion

Second trimester abortion clinic
Abortion 12 to 24 weeks
At our New York Abortion clinics our qualified and experienced physicians offer surgical abortion care in a SAFE and non-judgemental environment. Our compassionate staff are here for you every step of the way.
All Women’s Medical does offer patients the convenience of completing a second trimester abortion, up to 17 weeks of pregnancy, in just one day (if appropriate).
On your scheduled appointment day for a surgical abortion you can expect standard check-in procedures, testing, sonogram, discussion with patient educator, exam and and insertion of laminaria to dilate your cervix.
The surgical procedure itself takes 5-10 minutes. learn more click the 1-Day Procedure
If you are further along in your pregnancy — 17 to 21 weeks you will need to make arrangements for two visits to our office, over two consecutive days to complete your surgical abortion.
On Day 1 you’ll go through standard check-in procedures, testing, sonogram, discussion with patient educator, exam and and insertion of laminaria.
You’ll need to return the next day (Day 2) so you have a full night to dilate. The surgical abortion will take approximately 1 hour.
Please expect to be in our office for 4-6 hours for prep and post-op.
If you are even further along in your pregnancy — 22 to 24 weeks you will need to make arrangements for three visits to our office, over three consecutive days to complete your surgical abortion.
On Day 1 you’ll go through standard check-in procedures, testing, sonogram, discussion with patient educator, exam and and insertion of laminaria.
You’ll need to return the next day (Day 2) so you have a full night to dilate. The surgical abortion will take approximately 1 hour.
On Day 3 —
Please expect to be in our office for 4-6 hours for prep and post-op.
DISCLAIMER: Your medical history or conditions may alter treatment plan.
We’re a member of the National Abortion Federation (“NAF”).
You matter
In no uncertain terms, we care about you. Be assured that we will do everything possible to make certain that your experience at our office is as safe and as comfortable as possible.